Redmi 14C 5G launched in India, price starts at Rs 9,999. Xiaomi’s sub-brand Redmi has officially unveiled its first entry-level smartphone of 2025, the Redmi 14C. This new model features several enhancements compared to its predecessor, the Redmi 13C. Priced at Rs 9,999, the Redmi 14C is powered by the Snapdragon 4 Gen 2 chip, includes a robust 5160mAh battery, and boasts a 50-megapixel rear camera.
Price and Availability
The Redmi 14C is available in three configurations:
- 4GB RAM + 64GB storage: Rs 9,999
- 4GB RAM + 128GB storage: Rs 10,999
- 6GB RAM + 128GB storage: Rs 11,999
Sales will commence on January 10, 2025, at 12 noon, and the device can be purchased both online and offline through platforms such as, Amazon India, and Flipkart, as well as authorized Xiaomi retail stores.
Specifications and Features
The Redmi 14C showcases a modern design with significant upgrades over the Redmi 13C. Key features include:
- A large 6.88-inch HD+ display with a smooth 120Hz refresh rate, recognized as the largest in its category.
- An attractive rear panel design featuring a circular dual-camera setup.
- Color options include Starlight Blue, Stardust Purple, and Stargaze Black. The blue variant features an ombre finish from silver to blue.
- The device is rated IP52 for water and dust resistance.
In terms of display comfort, it has been certified by TUV for low blue light emission and flicker-free operation, reducing eye strain during prolonged use.
Overall, the Redmi 14C aims to deliver a compelling combination of performance, camera capabilities, and user-friendly features at an accessible price point.